Office of the Comptroller

KFS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



I have a question about something in KFS?

KFS Support is here to assist you, Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.  They can be reached via email or telephone 301-405-2603.

How can I check the status of a document?

The document header at the top of each document contains the status along with the document number. To find the document use the doc search button near the top of the KFS Main Menu. For more information on Conducting a Basic Document Search, click here. For information on Conducting a Detailed Search, click here.

KFS Access

How do I get access to KFS?

You will need to complete the KFS Access Request form.  The form can be found on the Administrative Reporting page,, Kuali Financial Reports, under topic select Security Access.

For detailed instructions:  How do I request KFS Access document click here.

How do I get access to view reports in KFS Reports by account or department?

For access to the department accounts by account, department, sub-department (organization), or division, please complete the KFS Access Security Form. The form can be found on the Administrative Reporting page, Kuali Financial Reports, under topic select Security Access.

  • To access an Account, specify the chart code and 7-digit account number (01– 1102010).
  • For access to all the accounts in the Sub-Department (Organization), specify the 7-digit org code (1250301).
  • For all the accounts within the department, the 7-digit alpha-numeric code, beginning with ‘P’ (P125030).
  • To access all the accounts within the division, the 7-digit alpha-numeric code, beginning with ‘D’ (D250000)

How do I request KFS Security Access document?

click here

How do I process the KFS Central Administration Access Form?

To obtain access to a group (e.g., Inventory Coordinator, or REQ Content Reviewer) please contact KFS Support via email ( or call 301-405-2603 for assistance.

I switched departments how do I change my access?

If you are an employee of the University and have changed departments, you will need to change your KFS access to your new department.  Please process the KFS Access Request form, and if applicable process a new KFS Access Security form.  Please state, on the form, in the explanation section to remove your old department access.

Chart of Accounts

How do I create a new Account?

KFS allows users to request new non-sponsored accounts using the Account document. Often, you will have the need to create an account that is very similar to an existing account. In that case, the easiest thing to do is to copy the existing account and update the relevant values.

How do I edit an existing Account?

In KFS, you can edit an account, by selecting edit in the action column on the Account Lookup screen. Please note that any changes made will first route the existing fiscal officer. If the fiscal officer is not available to approve, use the Account Global document to have it route to Central Administration for approval. For more information on how to edit an account using the Account Global document,click here.

Can I edit multiple accounts at one time?

In KFS, users can edit a particular field on multiple accounts simultaneously using the Account Global document.  You can use the available fields in the Global Account Maintenance tab to make changes. This form is limited to 24 account numbers at a time.    For more information on how to edit an account using the Account Global document, click here.

How do I assign an Account Delegate?

KFS allows Fiscal Officers to delegate their work. Example: If a fiscal officer is going on vacation and needs to delegate his/her work to a colleague while away from the office. This document requires the approval of the fiscal officer.

Clicking the Account Delegate link takes you to the Account Delegate Lookup Screen. This screen can be used to search for existing delegates or creating new delegates.

How do I add an Account Delegate on multiple accounts?

You will need to process the Account Delegate Global document.  Please note the document can only accommodate 24 accounts, so you may need more than one document. If you have pre-existing delegates on an account, those delegates will be deleted if you use the Account Delegate Global. To retain the existing delegates on the accounts, include them on the document.

For more information refer to Adding Account Delegates on Multiple Accounts, click here.

What is the difference between primary & secondary delegate?

There are two types of delegates that can be established: primary and secondary.

For Primary Delegates, documents route directly to the Primary Delegate's action list. The document will not appear in the Fiscal Officer's action list.

Secondary Delegates do not automatically see the documents in their action list, eDocs do not automatically route directly to the secondary delegate's action list. Instead, Secondary Delegates must apply a filter to their action list to see the eDocs routed to them on behalf of the Fiscal Officer. For more information refer to the Viewing Items in the Action List as a Primary or Secondary Delegate, document, click here.


How do I check for open encumbrances in KFS?

In KFS, on the Main Menu, Balance Inquiries, General Ledger, Open Encumbrances. For PO Encumbrances use the Balance Type of ‘EX’, and for Travel use Balance Type of ‘IE’ and enter 33* in Object Code.

How do I remove a Travel Encumbrance?

In KFS to remove a travel encumbrance use the Travel Encumbrance Removal (TERF) Document found on the Main Menu, Transactions, Financial Processing. Click here for information on completing the document.

I have a list of Travel Encumbrances to remove. How do I do that?

You can use the data import feature in KFS to add multiple accounting lines to the TERF document. Please see Travel Encumbrance Removal Using Data Import Template click here.

How do I remove a PO Encumbrance?

If a payment has been made in KFS the select the "close order" button at the bottom of the Purchase Order. This will close the Purchase Order and remove the encumbrance.

If no payments have been made in KFS you will have the encumbrance removed by requesting the PO be voided in KFS: If the PO was processed by the Department of Procurement the requests go directly to the Buyer (Contract Manager) that completed the Purchase Order.

If the Purchase Order is an Automatic Purchase Order (APO) and the Contract Manager is listed as 'user, kuali' those requests should be emailed to

If the PO is closed, and still shows an open encumbrance, please send an email to, requesting the encumbrance be removed. Include the following information in the email: Account Number, Object Code, Purchase Order Number, and the dollar amount of the open encumbrance.

Labor Ledger

Can I transfer my own salary expenses using the Salary Expense Transfer (ST) document?

Unfortunately, you are not able to transfer your own salary in KFS, please have someone else in your department process the Salary Expense Transfer.

I need to change the object code for salary expenses, can I use the Salary Expense Transfer document?

The object code field on the Salary Expense Transfer document will only allow transfers between accounts with the same object code.

For object code changes for salary expenses for sponsored and grant accounts please contact your SPAC accountant.

To move student wages billed on object code 2075 (Student Wages) to the FWS object code 2074 contact Jemika Hansberry, Assistant Director, Student Financial Aid,, or call 301-314-2047.

For all other accounts, please contact General Accounting.

Why am I receiving an error message “user (directory id) is not authorized to open document (doc number)” when trying to open a ST document?

For security reasons you must be in one of the following roles to open a ST document:
-Central Administration user
-Initiator of the Salary Expense Transfer
-Fiscal Officer of at least one of the accounts on the document at the time of its creation

Why am I receiving the error message "The transfer amount cannot exceed the maximum balance amount?" 

When processing a salary transfer the amount in the "From" accounting line cannot be changed to equal more than the original Ledger Balance on the account for the pay period selected.   This can also occur, if the there is a rounding error in the background calculations of fringe benefits.

Purchasing / Accounts Payable

What is an APO?

An APO is an Automatic Purchase Order.  If you are processing a requisition that is under $25,000, once all approvals have been taken on the requisition the system will generate a purchase order that routes back to the initiator to print.

Please Note: If you are using a Master Contract vendor and you are processing a requisition that is under the APO limit for that vendor the system will generate a purchase order that routes back to the initiator. Procurement does not review APO’s, therefore it is imperative that all required fields are completed.

How do I select Master Contract Vendors (Vendor Contracts)?

To search for a vendor contract, click the magnifying glass next to the “Contract Name” field on the Vendor’s tab in the Requisition document. Once you click on the magnifying glass you will be brought to the Vendor Contract Lookup screen, the vendors are listed below the search fields, or you can narrow your search by entering the vendors name in the “Vendor Name” field.


For detailed instructions see the tutorial for Creating a Requisition using a Vendor Contract

How do I enter an off-campus address?

On the delivery tab, click on Building not found, which will add fields to the tab, allowing you to enter an off-campus address.

Can I process a requisition on an expired account?

KFS will not allow the finalization of Purchase Orders and Requisitions using expired accounts.  Department personnel must provide another account to complete the Purchase Order or Requisition.  After the charges have posted, the department can submit a financial processing document to transfer the expense to the expired account. If there are any questions regarding Grant and Sponsored Accounts, contact the SPAC Accountant assigned to the account.

What do I do with the purchase order document in my action list, with the action of “Print?”

The requisition you initiated has become an APO and you must print the purchase order and send it to the vendor to process and or retain for your records.  If you do not click on the “print” button the status of the purchase order will not change to Open and invoices will not be able to be processed against that purchase order.

How do I print a purchase order again?  The button says retransmit.

Clicking on the retransmit button allows you to print another copy of the purchase order.  Once you click on the retransmit button the Retransmit tab will open, this is where you select all the line items and click the retransmit button again.


For more information on printing a Purchase Order please refer to the Printing and Reprinting a Purchase Order tutorial.

How do I modify or request a change order to a current Purchase Order?

If the Purchase Order has the Contract Manager listed as ‘user,kuali’ those requests can be emailed to:


If the Purchase Order lists a staff member as the Contact Manager, the request to change or modify the Purchase Order should be emailed directly to that staff member.

How do I process a Disbursement Voucher?

A Disbursement Voucher is a document used to reimburse employees and non-employees for expenses, such as stipend, utility, membership fees, honorarium, or employee reimbursements.


For more information on how to process a Disbursement Voucher please see Creating a Disbursement Voucher tutorial. Please note the Payment Reason Code and the Object Code must agree to process the Disbursement Voucher, for more information please see Disbursement Voucher Reason Codes.

Why did I receive an object code error message on my Disbursement Voucher?

The object code used in a disbursement voucher must agree with the reason code selected. To find a valid object code and reason code please see Disbursement Voucher Reason Codes click here.


How can I check to see if a payment has been made to a vendor?

One way to check and see if a payment has been made to a vendor is to conduct a search within Custom Document searches under Payment Request.  Enter in the Purchase Order number in the PO field and click the search button. For more information, please see Searching for a Payment Request, click here.


Please note: If you are in one of the following forms: Payment Request, Purchase Order, Receiving Document, or a Requisition, you can also search for payment information by locating the View Related Documents tab and clicking on Show, a hyper link for all payment requests will be listed on this tab.

How do I get a copy of an invoice that was paid?

To obtain a copy of a paid invoice conduct a search for the Payment Request. Within the payment request there is an Invoice Image tab. Clicking on Invoice Image on Optix System by Purchase Order will show all invoices by Payment Requests (PREQs) for the Purchase Order. Clicking on Invoice Image on Optix System by Payment Request  will show that specific invoice for the Payment Request document. For further information, please see Accessing the Invoice Image click here.

CAMS (Capital Asset Management)

What are capital assets?

Capital assets are defined as moveable and unmovable property, owned by, or assigned for custody to the university, having a useful life greater than one year and a purchase price or other acquisition value of $5,000 or more.

Examples of capital assets include buildings and building improvements, land and land improvements, equipment, library books, vehicles, artwork, infrastructures, and rare publications.

What are non-capital assets?

Non-capital assets are defined as certain equipment with an acquisition value between $1,000 and $5,000, which can be easily converted to personal or resale and that is susceptible to removal and must be controlled.

Examples of non-capital assets include audio visual & photography equipment, computers, and firearms.

It should be noted that all firearms with an acquisition value of $1 or more are considered as non-capital assets.

How are assets created in KFS?

Many of the university’s assets are created in a process called Capital Asset Builder, “CAB A/P”. This process matches the purchase order information with payment detail. The CAB A/P detail is then used by Inventory Control to create assets. The purchase order, invoices, and payment detail help to create the asset.  In many instances, the created asset will have an associated asset number, description, model number, location, serial number, responsible person, cost, and accounting distribution.

Once an asset has been created in KFS what are the next steps?

A workflow email is routed to the department's Inventory Coordinator for verification and to enter the tagging information to the Asset document. Once the tagging information is entered and the Inventory Coordinator approves it, the document will route to Inventory Control for final review.  It will then be considered an approved asset once Inventory Control approves the document.

KFS Reports

Can you download reports from KFS Reports to Excel?

Reports can be saved and/or exported in a variety of formats including Excel,  PDF and others.

If you processed a KFS document today, will you see the transaction immediately in a report?

For most functionality within the system, KFS uses a nightly batch process to update the system. The reporting database is refreshed after the nightly batch process and will reflect transactions processed the prior day.

If you have access to Division level or Department level reports, will you automatically be granted access lower-level reports?

Reporting access follows the organization hierarchy. If you have access to a higher level in an organization, you will also have access to the sub-organizations beneath that level.


For more information contact Reporting and Analytics Support – Shaun Fleming  ( or Frank Fu (


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